This weekend I spent my time looking for forest owls. I was very successful in finding a Northern Saw-whet Owl, Snowy Owl, Great-horned Owl and Barred Owl. The majority of the owls I saw in Whitemud ravine and my photography sessions were pretty quiet, but my session with the Great-horned Owl at Grey Nun's Spruce Woodlot was certainly above average.
I got out of the car and started to walk down the cut-line until I found the Great-horned Owl perched in a birch tree close to the field. I only had to wait around 15 minutes before it took off towards me. I continued to follow to GHOW as it flew from perch to perch looking for voles to eat as it went. Unfortunately it did not catch any voles however I was able to capture these photos as the Great-horned Owl took off.

I had an excellent time photographing this intricately patterned male Great-horned Owl as it flew from tree to tree.

The tiny Saw-whet Owls are very difficult to find during the day due to there small size and excellent camouflage. These owls are always a delight to photograph.

I spotted this Snowy Owl roosting on a fence post at dusk. I had a great time photographing this bird as he scanned the snow drifts for voles.

The Barred Owl is an elusive yet beautiful forest spirit with piercing black eyes and luscious cream feathers. I was very happy to see this owl as I have not seen a Barred Owl in my area in a long time.
