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Northern Parula in Edmonton

Writer: Bird VideographyBird Videography

Updated: Nov 7, 2020

This Thursday I received word via ebird rare bird alert that Vincent Cottrel had spotted a Northern Parula at Kinnaird Ravine Park in Edmonton. Kinnaird Ravine was only a 40 minute drive away so we decided to go for it. Luckily we were not the only one's there ( The more eyes the better). After a short hour of waiting, one of the accompanying birder's spotted the Parula. There was a jolt of excitement followed by quick bursts of photographs. Fortunately all of the birders there were able to capture some decent photos.

This Parula is most likely a juvenile as it is 1,000 km out of it's home range, especially for this time of year. It is unlikely that this bird will survive as the -12°C overnight average is far from its winter climate of Central and South America.

I may post a update article on the the Parula but it's unlikely. If you are interested in the birds currently being spotted in Kinnaird Ravine Park. You can the ebird page.

The Northern Parula was difficult to photograph as it preferred to stay in densely foliated Mountain Ash-Trees

We also encountered this male Pileated Woodpercker


1 Comment

pro Ben
pro Ben
Dec 14, 2020



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